Brief an den Weltkirchenrat zum Ukrainekrieg

To the honorable presidency of the Ecumenical Council of Churches, Geneva.

Sunday March 7th 2022

Sisters and Brethren in Christ,

In His name I exhort you: Time has come to excommunicate Patriarch Kyrill and his Russian-­­Orthodox Church, until he publicly condemns the Russian aggression in the name of his church and the Lord Jesus Christ and calls upon his friend Putin to stop all violence immediately. Remember: When the South African Reformed Church condoned and supported the apartheid, it was excommunicated from the World Council of Churches. This aggression in the Ukraine is as evil as was apartheid!

In tiefer Sorge, im Gebet mit Ihnen verbunden

Ruedi Heinzer, Pfr.

General-Guisanstr. 17

CH-3700 Spiez

+4133 654 22 77

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